Shibu Nair
Every one of us is blessed in one way or the other. Unfortunately, most of us fail to realise this and hence lead a miserable life complaining about almost everything about ourselves.
It’s so important to realise that God has blessed us in abundance. Once we realise that we are blessed as compared to so many suffering souls in this world, happiness will become an inseparable part of our life. From now onwards, let us count our blessings instead of brooding about what we do not have. Let us nurture the attitude of gratitude for whatever we have instead of complaining about whatever we feel we do not have. Once we do that, we will find how beautiful the world around us is! We will regain the peace and happiness we always had as a child, but lost gradually as we grew up, because of our failure to acknowledge and appreciate the fact that we are immensely blessed. Of course, we may not get all that we yearn for, but we have enough and more to be thankful and happy. So, fill your mind with gratitude—you will be blessed with peace and happines